
Members Login

Resticted Members Area


Please log in on the side bar to your left to get access to the Members Area






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29 thoughts on “Members Login”

  1. Hi Marjorie
    I’ve just checked this page and it seems to be working fine. Try opening in a different browser than Internet Explorer (such as Firefox or Google Chrome) Some ladies have experienced some problems with Internet Explorer.
    Please email me if you’re still having problems. I might have to reset your password for you.

  2. Hi Heleen,
    I have payed for the 12 week course but didn\\\’t receive access (login in info).
    The testimonies are all encouraging.


  3. Hi Sharon
    You’ve been automatically upgraded to the 12 weeks when you’ve paid Sharon. I just checked and you do have access to it all – not sure what happened but I will send your login information out to you immediately. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please make sure that my emails to you didn’t accidentally land up in your spam box:)
    Thanks Heleen

  4. Hi Valerie
    Thanks for signing up for the free week 1. I’ve fixed it for you. Please login with the username and password you’ve created and you will now have access to Week 1. If you’re still having trouble, please let me know and I will reset your details manually for you.

  5. Hi Maylea

    Thank you for signing up for week 1.

    I’ve just logged in with your details to make sure that everything is working right and it’s working well on my end.

    I would love for you to get in as soon as possible though, so let’s do some trouble shoooting:)

    Please click on this link to find the place where you sign in with the username and password that you’ve created:

    I’ve also made this video to help ladies login – if you watch it you might pick up on what the problem is. Please click here to watch the video:

    Please email me if you’re still having trouble with this.

  6. Hi Heleen,

    I cannot access any videos except the introductory one. I tried FireFox and Google Chrome. I have a pretty new laptop and my son and husband both worked on it with me. They are saying it’s the website not my computer. Please advise on what to do. Thank you and God bless,


  7. Hi Mary
    The week 1 videos look different from the others. I’m busy making new videos for all the weeks, but currently the other weeks only display as slide shows with an audio (so my face is not on those)

    Is this maybe the problem that you’re having, or can you not see or hear those videos at all? Please let me know Mary. I have not had any other complaints about the videos except in old versions of Internet explorer. I really want you to see these of course, so I will keep trouble shooting with you till we get it figured out.

  8. Hi Catherine
    I’ve checked and you do have access to the full 12 week program. Please reset your password if you’ve maybe forgotten that (look for the link right below the login box). Please let me know if you are still experiencing problems so I can brainstorm with you:)

  9. I sent you and email to fix this problem. I apologize, for some reason our automatic upgrade system is having trouble so I upgraded you manually. We are working on getting this sorted out. Please let me know immediately if you’re still having trouble to get into the online program.

  10. Hello:

    I am excited to try this program and I registered to try the first week; however, I cannot find where to access it. Can you please help me ??

    Thank you so much !

  11. Hi Cheri
    Yes I can most certainly help.
    Here is a shortcut to go directly to the registration page. Click here: WEEK 1 – FREE TRIAL

    IF YOU HAVE ALREADY REGISTERED you can simply login here at the members area with the username and password you’ve created (Look for a login box to your left)

    Please let me know if you have any other questions for me

  12. Hi Joelle
    I’ve looked at your membership and everything seems to be in order. Please request a new password to see if that might be the problem. You will see the link to do this right below the login box.
    Be sure to email me if you still can’t get in or can’t remember which username or email you’ve used Joelle.

  13. hmm i am not able to request a new password either, it keeps saying it doesnt recognize my username/email.. im not sure what to do? thanks!

  14. Hi Joelle
    I do not have this email address that you attached to this post on file. Please email me your first and last name and maybe another email address that you’ve used to sign up, and I will get your login details out to you asap. Don’t post it on here though, but send it to me personally at

  15. I am wanting to join but I do not know much about this program are you still maintaining it? Also, how long will I have access to the material here?

    Thanks Angela 🙂

  16. Hi Angela.
    Thank you for your interest in the program. I am very busy with further studies in this field at the moment, but I try to still maintain this site to the best of my ability, and I also still have a technical team helping me out with the tech stuff. Access to the members area and all of the material never expires. You become a lifetime member.

  17. Dear Heleen,
    Like Angela I would like to join. I live in Bangladesh, so I am sure there will be no member group near me. HI have listened to some of your webinars recently and though they are a few years old, I found them really apt and touching on deep principles. the fact that they are weekly is a challenge for me
    ow do I access the 40 day program and have the daily support. I would also like your book. I can pay.

  18. Hi B

    Thank you for your interest in the online program. Here is a link to the product page:

    You do not need the book if you purchase the online program. The whole book is part of the program in a format you can download and print out. I do however need to mention that it does not offer daily support, but rather daily pre-recorded videos. You may still need support in the way of a Bible study, support group, or seeing a counselor.

    Please email me if you have any more questions and I will be happy to answer it.

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